Is ARC Updating/Discontinuing the DSi200?

Anyone have the lowdown on the ARC DSi200?

I went to the ARC web site, and saw that the DSi200 was included in BOTH the current and discontinued categories.

When I've seen this in other contexts, it meant the manufacturer was depleting current inventory on a model that was going to be either retired or updated.

Is ARC planning on updating their first foray into Class-D SS integrateds, or are they cutting & running?

Asking b/c I was pondering doing an "upgrade" on my Ayre AX-7e to something SS with a bit more juice. My 3 "finalists" are the Arc DSi200, the Pass Int-150, and the Modwright KWI200. If the DSi200 is history, it makes my decision a little bit easier.

Courant, why not borrow a power amp with the 40-60 additonal watts, IE if your ayre is 40 watts - add a 100 watt powr amp (hook up ayre as a preamp) and see if Ms HOA shoots you over an evicton notice.
Hi Cerrot,

Sounds like you've had limited experience owning property or working with or within an HOA.

As I'm an OWNER and not a tenant, I'm not subject to immediate eviction by notice.

And, while your comment was more than a bit snarky, it was similar to a home audition scenario I almost did.

I planned to contact my ceiling neighbor to let her know I was "testing" audio equipment over the weekend, and to let me know if there are any issues. This would allow for a home audition with minimal risk. But, the discounted floor demo Supernait V2 I was interested in buying actually got sold before I could audition it at home (this is why the SN2 is not one of my "finalists"). I had a sense when I checked out the Modwright that it wouldn't "survive" such a home audition, and so I didn't bother contacting my ceiling neighbor (again, since the home audition wasn't going to happen).

As noted in other threads, condos are different and often require a modicum of mutual respect and diplomacy if one is to thrive in such a living environment.
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