Happy for you ! Amperexes in the 12au7 spot will bring you back some extension in the highs, decay maybe or maybe not. In my preamp, it did but it is a more subtle difference than changing the 12AX7 tubes. Remember to wait at least 50 hrs of running the new tubes in order to hear the best of them.
You say the preamp has a little less decay than with the original tubes. This means it is there somewhere but hidden since you heard it before. You have more bass and weight, obviously your hearing is rebalancing itself. You might just hear your decay back once you are accustomed to it.
Have trials with your speakers positionning and have a look at your acoustics. Don't forget to check your electronics isolation to vibration. Better quality electronics are more sensible to the surroundings. Doesn't cost anything and most of the time does a lot.
Have fun !
You say the preamp has a little less decay than with the original tubes. This means it is there somewhere but hidden since you heard it before. You have more bass and weight, obviously your hearing is rebalancing itself. You might just hear your decay back once you are accustomed to it.
Have trials with your speakers positionning and have a look at your acoustics. Don't forget to check your electronics isolation to vibration. Better quality electronics are more sensible to the surroundings. Doesn't cost anything and most of the time does a lot.
Have fun !