Burmester and MBL

Has anyone compared these two lines and what are your thoughts?
Thanks to the last two entries.....obviously system compatability is key to these two excellent preamps.
It is important to note that the Noble line (15XX, 50XX) is quite different than the reference line. I changed from a 1521 transport to a 1621 and the difference was notable. What I experienced was a similar level of detail with much more musicality. Important to compare apples to apples.
System compatability is the key, for sure. SmoothJazz's system running with Kharma speakers are a far cry from the type of full-range speakers that I run as well as most other buyers of Burmester/MBL choose to run. The velvety sound is great but after a short while you realize that you are sacrificing dynamics when the system is full-range. I will be trying this comparison again on SAturday to make sure that I am not crazy. I will report back soon.
SO, OBVIOUS DISCLOSURE: I own the 6010D - never heard the Burmester at home.

I auditioned the MBL 5011 and loved it, after directly comparing in my home with an ARC REF 3 and a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 (tricked out to them max by PCX) and the best NOS tubes. Let me add that these were not on demo units, but owned by by me for a couple of years each.

The 5011, was just closer to the "straight wire" sound notwithstanding I had never been able to bear the thought of parting with either the SF Line 3 or the Ref 3, because they both gave me so much musical pleasure and I could never say one was better than the other - just different.

The 5011 made a difference because it just had better 'texture' and while being the least 'flashy' it was so neutral.

I then had a chance to swop the 5011 for the 6010D. At first I was a bit disappointed because e I was looking for a step up of some kind in my system and it wasn't apparent to me that I was getting that. Nevertheless, I did like the imposing 'audio-jewelry' look of the 6010D, I did like the input / output choices that are second to none and so I persevered.

Well, this was an eye opener. After a week or so, my ears said "hey Steve, when did you ever hear in one package such a relaxing sound, such a fast and dynamic sound, and also so many layers and nuances'?

A few more weeks and no real massive shift, this is not a piece of audio 4X4 - it is subtle, it is sublime and it is the ultimate. My conclusion (thankfully) is why would you need any thing else?

So, there you have it. 30 years of audio amps ... preamps, power amps, integrated amps and after all that I have the utmost respect for the MBL 6010D. It is truly world class and it it is here to stay.
