Tube Pre Amp replacement for Manley Shrimp.

I'm looking for some recommendations on an upgrade to my existing pre amp. I'm currently using a Manley Shrimp and have been very happy with it up to now (great PRAT and sound stage with the right tubes). I'm currently looking for a unit that offers remote volume control and doesn't require more than 6 tubes (to keep tube rolling more cost effective). I've used a lot of different pre's in the past - Sonic Frontiers, Bryston, McCormack, and Manley - and would like some recommendations on other manufacturers. I'm a big fan of tube "warmth" and tend to lean towards the Mullard type "sound". My current gear behind the Shrimp is a Bryston 4B ST, Classe CDP 10, KEF 104/2, Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway III+ interconnects, and Harmonic Tech Pro9+ speaker cables. I'm looking to spend between $2-3 used. Would be very interested in any feedback on pairing the Bryston with an AR, Calypso, or DeHavilland.

As always - thanks for the help.

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And to fine tune it even more,I have an Audio Horizons TP 2.0n
that I preferred over the following:
Aesthetix Calypso
Modwright 9.0 SE
Supratek Syrah
Cary 98L
No opinion on the Lamm LL2 but all reviewers and owners give it thumbs up.
I owned a Shrimp. I greatly prefer the Juicy Music Audio Peach to the sound of the Shrimp; just has more soul. Oh - it also has remote control and has a low imp. setting to drive low impedance (solid state) amps.
You might consider a VAC preamp. The VAC's are quality pieces that would represent a step up from your current unit. The AR is definitely not the sound you would be happy with. I compared the Shrimp and an SP16. The Shrimp had a richer, punchier delivery. I have no experience with the other preamps you mentioned.
Does anyone know how the Lamm LL2 matches up with VTL amps? I have a pair of VTL MB 185 monoblocks and I'm juggling between the LAmm and the VTL 5.5