Solid state amp/Tube Preamp. Possible?

Hi everyone. I have a Classe CA300 power amp & I'm thinking of getting a BAT tube preamp w/phone pre. A BAT VK-3i to be exact. My speakers are B&W 802's with a Linn Wakonda Pre at present with a Sota table. The Linn has a on board phone pre but I run my table through a Musical Fidelity X-LPS ver 3 phono pre. I'm thinking of replacing the Linn & X-LPS with the BAT VK-3i. I know BAT's reputation is outstanding just worried about the tube pre matched with a solid state amp. Any ideas or experience with this type of set up would be appreciated.

Cheers Deanna
some speakers prefer tube amplification versus solid state

just my experience with some harbeths and proacs using mcintosh mc402 (SS) and then mc2102 (TUBE)

What was the model # of your Kebschull Preamp and What was the retail price at the time?

I still have the Kebschull Preamp which has no Model No. on it.
I think they only made one model which had a built-in MM and MC Phono Stage. Cost me either AU$2,000 or AU$4,000 (I can't recall which) some 20 odd years ago?
You realise that the Company doesn't exist anymore?
I heard rumours that Herr Kebschull was recently the permanent guest of the German Government?