Rowland Capri vs. the ynergy IIi

Anyone compare these two preamps?
Guidocorona, I read your other thread above about the Capri and went ahead and bought one. Not much risk on the used market. Thanks, Husk
That's great Husk01! Do you happen to know how many hours of plaing time there are on the unit, and how long it has been turned off? I suggest at least 300 hours of re-break-in. . . unless it has been used little, in which case the customary 500 hours will be in order. I leave my unit active all the time and simply play from a tuner at low volume to keep the little thing purring like a kitten. G.
Guidocorona, Don't know the hours, but I will definitely leave it on and run XM thru it 24/7. Thanks for the heads up. Husk
I used the Synergy for many years. When the Concerto came out I compared it to the Synergy. The Concerto was better. I bought it. Same with the Capri compared to the Concerto.
So yes the Capri is a better preamp.

At one time Jeff's FAQ on his web site said something like,
Yes, the new models sound better or we would not market them.