Tube Pre-amp under $1000

Any suggestions on the best tube pre-amp I could get for under $1000 that would match my ATI AT 2000 SS power amp and magnepan MG 12 speakers? I primarily listen to vinyl.
Juicy Music Peach is indeed "Juicy".
Another one worth mentioning is Mapletree Audio Line 2A SE line preamplifier and PS 2 power supply for $820 direct or $720 as a "kit". This one is "Music"
..........and Reference TVC passive preamp from Promitheusa Audio and this one is like a "Peach"
I have TAD 150 Signature tube preamp I'm considering selling since I have the upgrade bug once again. It has a very impressive line stage relative to cost. Please google TAD 150 angelfire. The phono section however is OK but nothing great. I had an Audible Illusions Modulus 3 preamp. It offered possibly a smidge more detail than the TAD but was not that good on sound stage and NOT tube warm like. I guess it's a matter of preference. Well made though. Mine ate through tubes. I think you need to run heavy duty russian tubes to get decent tube life. Let me know if you have any interest in the TAD. I'd make a very fair price.
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I second the idea of finding a used Peach. One can roll in some NOS 6DJ8 tubes and have a preamp that can hold its own against far more expensive competition. As TVAD says, its low impedance mode can be used to drive any solid state amplifier that has a low inpput impedance. This is not true of may tube linestages and certainly not the less expensive ones.