Amp: Integrated - Used; - Sub $750 Help :-

Hi All --
Been reading through all the threads and every situation is so specific I figured I'd post up and see what people think :-)

I have:
B&W 601 on stands
just bought - Rotel 1072 CD
running through old Marantz 2220B

I would like to upgrade the amp - it is a bit muddy and I think the speakers/CD can sound better based upon the 685's I have in my main A/V system (integra 7.8)

I have been looking and am getting confused and don't want to turn this into an epic buy and replace search.

I listen to a wide variety of music so I need something versatile. I really like 3d soundspace (as I'm sure everyone here does!)

There is the NAD C352 - but I don't like the cheap feel to it.

There is the Arcam Diva A75 - but I read that it is boring and that scares me.

There is the Rotel - I have a line on a RX-1052 for $500 - which is a receiver but I'm sure sounds good - leaning towards this?

There is the cambridge - 540v2 and the 640 - which seems to be liked ...

So -- I would appreciate input / help. I don't mind waiting a bit to find the right amp - but I am pretty excited to get things in good working order! (I'd like to pry the 685's off the movie system - but my wife wouldn't be too happy - and she's green lighting this! one step at a time!)

thanks a bunch
I am debating between the YBA and a rotel 1052 Receiver .

The YBA sounds like it offers up a very nice listen - while what I have read makes the rotel sound a bit brash?
I do like that the Rotel is a bit less $, has a phono stage & tuner as I listen to records and the radio (though I do mostly internet radio nowadays).

Can I pick your brain as to thoughts?

Thank you very much for your time.
I would buy a Rega Brio. One seller here on Agon has NOS Original's for $350. This would be my choice. Add a seperate tuner (such as a vintage Sony, Yamaha or older Rotel tuner such as the RT-850A.) It will sound so much better than a Receiver. No comparison.
I like the Onkyo A-9555. You can get it new w/warranty from Amazon for around $474, or B-stock from for $400.

I like it better than the Rega Brio, the Cambridge 540 and 640, I like it at least as well as a 3x as expensive Musical Fidelity or Creek. The Outlaw RR2150 doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence. It puts out a healthy 85/170 wpc into 8/4 ohms. It is shockingly quiet, especially at its price, and can output instantaneous peaks up to 80 amps, making it sound like a bigger amp than it is. Its way with low level details has been described as tubelike by the big audio mags, and it has a smooth treble and transparent midrange. It has far more balls, clarity, and extension than you'll get in this price range from the sub-$1K Brit integrateds and it will definitely show your B&Ws who's boss.

I have been living with mine for 3 months and like it better than ever. Put a good power cord with it and give it 100 hrs to break in. With Amazon's 30-day home trial period you absolutely can't lose.
There is a great little integrated on agon. Uses EL-34's. This little amp can really make magic and is much more powerful than it has any right to be. I used to sell a lot of them until they were discontinued.
Here is the one on agon.

Jump on it.