Photon46- what would be an ideal amp/preamp gain be? Are you saying that they should be more closely matched?
I think he's just saying that the overall system gain of 110db in phono mode is simply too high, particularly for a high output cartridge such as you have.
What is meant by a better match is that a very high gain preamp should be mated with a relatively low gain power amp, or vice versa, so that the overall gain doesn't become too high in relation to the cartridge output.
Hopefully the attenuators will accomplish that, although as I said it is conceivable to me that 10db will not be enough attenuation to be satisfactory. And it is conceivable to me that you will still be limited in how far you can turn up the volume control by how much voltage the output stage of the preamp can swing, which would not be helped by the attenuators because the attenuators would be connected "after" that point (further downstream, so to speak). I'm not familiar with that preamp, but the spec on output voltage range might give some feel for that.
-- Al