recommended 6922 tubes for a moderate price?

Hello fellow A'goners!
I'm new to tube rolling and have a modest budget, but want to try upgrading the driver tubes (6922's or their equivalents) for my Onix SP-3 integrated amp. I'm driving Vandersteen 2ce's and generally prefer blues, jazz, and classic rock. Hoping to improve that "live" quality and "3D" soundstaging. Would like to keep it under $100 a pair, but don't know how to navigate the world of tubes quite yet. Some of the prior info. may be irrelevant but any suggestions from wiser audiophile brethren is much appreciated! Thanks!
I recommend giving Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio a call or e-mail. He has NEVER steered me wrong. I have bought MANY tubes from him, off of his suggestions.
The above mentioned names are very useful. I've used Jesse and Deal to good advantage. IMO, excellent NOS tubes as a driver at or around $100 would be Tungstram, Mitsubishi and Tesla, in that order. You'll hear a difference between them. Amperex, however, will probably be what you're looking for, but not at your price.
Don't buy the modern remakes of mullards-they suck.
Golden Dragons are my favorite if you can find them.
You've gotten some good recommendations. I'll add the Russian 6h23eb to the list.