Lamm ML2.1 monos with MBL 101E, OPINIONS

Lamm ML2.1 Single Ended Triode Mono Amps, any one tried these amps with MBL 101E speakers.

I know they are 18 watts but I have learned that not all watts are equal.

I was just reading info. from another member where he said;

"Finally I would love to prove to you that my 18 wpc SET Lamm amps will light up your ears more so than the 600 wpc SS Boulder amp that you love so much."

Opinions welcome but kindly specifically related to these amps.
Oneobgyn, I hereby call you a fibber!
(I prefer to not call a fellow Lamm owner a liar.)

You said you would "NEVER" change your Lamm ML 2.1 amplifiers.

Here is an amplifier I am sure you would swap out your amps for in the blink of an eye. (Money not being an object of course!)

Your new favorite amp!


If you go back and read my posts over the past year you will see that Vladimir loaned me his ML3 (s/n 001 and 002) from Jan to April earlier this year. It was a magnificent amp but at $139K I felt the ML 2.1 delivers 90% of the ML3 at 1/5 the price. I love my ML 2.1 and would never switch unless there was a magnificent deal to be had. BTW the output tube on each ML3 gave off light as bright as a 60 watt bulb and this could interfere with my using those amps with my HT. If I were to have a dedicated 2 channel room it could be an option

Actually I had read your posts, and I knew that you had already said that it was the best amplifier you had ever heard, which is why I wrote my reply to you in the first place. (And, the reason that I said "Money not being an object", is that you had said it was terribly expensive and not a good example of it being a good "bang for the buck" amplifier - a SOTA piece of equipment never is!)

Merry Christmas!
I can contribute to this thread and my observations with the ML2 with stated speaker sensitivity.

The Living Voice Avatar OBX-R model (now since 'upgraded' to OBX-RW) had a stated sensitivity of 94db. The Wilson Audio Duette has a stated 89dB @ 1 watt (2.83V at 1 meter).

One thing I have discovered is *how* measurements are stated vs. real world impressions. In my system/room, the Duettes are just a touch louder (all things being perfectly equal) than the OBX-R speakers. Now this was only a subjective by simply switching speakers out.

MBL making a complete line of products, high power amplifiers being their forte, may suggest they would like lots of brute strength.
okay, here is my two cents, you love the lamms? Okay biamp the highs and lows, get a higher power low end for the woofers. Know what else I have done? taken out the jumpers and put three amps on the thing because the football takes a bit of power as well. If you put an amp in the mid output the tweeter and midtweeter are isolated. I love tube amps, I love MBLs more. I wanted to try the VTL Siegfried but couldn't get a pair to demo.