Most Rockingest Preamp south of $2k used

I'm curious if anyone knows of, has heard about or owns a preamp that simply does the most justice to rock n roll, under $2k (or more) used. The one SS pre I owned (Odyssey) seemed a bit light in the mids and bass, arguably the two most important components to rock. Then I went tubes, and I think it's in the right direction. Regardless of SS or tube, I would think the ultimate rock pre would be a PRAT king, maybe even pushing the beat a little, certainly not laid back, with great bass, mids and dimensionality and overall musicality (vs analytical). Am I missing anything?

I'm tired of putting the cart before the horse -- researching what's for sale on agon as opposed to having a few models to look out for and keeping an eye out for them. Who's got a say in the most rockingest pre?
Hey no worries. I think you helped yourself quite a bit as well! Hope to run into you in some threads in the future. It's cool to find like-minded audio-fools.

You prob have read up on Shindo gear in general. I'm always drawn to things that have some sort of off-the-beaten path, special-ness about them, if you will. Shindo gear is revered. When I found a used Aurieges L, I jumped on it just to hear the hype, and fortunately I can. I think you'd be pleased as well, however as I said, I don't think it's got the 'rock' qualities up front like the Rogues or the Manleys (or perhaps the others mentioned here) I mentioned. That being said, it plays rock, and all other types of music I've thrown at it, with a very engaging and enjoyable quality. I certainly don't find it lacking.

Let me know what you come up with. Good luck
One last question Tholt,is the sound of the Shindo laid back or forward and how's the midrange when it reproduces the sound of an electric guitar.
Thanks again
It's not laid back. it's all there with realism and a sense of involvement unlike other pre's I've had. Vocals pop out of the center. The bass doesn't slam like the Metis I used to have, but it's not lacking. To me, nothing is lacking. Electric guitar -- meaty and crunchy. Its a hella fun pre!