Deciding between Yamaha or Marantz

Hello everyone, I need to get a new Pre and trying to decide between the Marantz AV8801 or the Yamaha CX-A5000. The Marantz is about a $1k more, is it worth it? Speakers are SF Liutos, Mac MC205 for power, thanks in advance.
Bo said
And I hate all those people in audio who focus on just making money.
Of course I keep this for myself. I have a big advantage compared to competitors in this business now.
That's what I love about the gy...he stakes out a position and sticks to it...or maybe he just hates himself which causes so much stress that he relieves it by endless self-promotion????
It is not about me, it is about quality. And it does not cost a lot of energy. The way I work there Always will be people who do not like it. Then I say; show me a better quality in sound. The essential thing that only counts is music and quality. The rest doesn't matter. It never will be about me, but about new ways of thinking in audio.
You go, bro...I mean Bo. If you can't dazzle 'em w brilliance, baffle 'em w bull$hit!

To the OP- Sorry, guy, hopefully your thread can get back on track.
Audio is about letting people hear the best sound for the money they spend. So you need to persuade them that you give them a higher quality in sound. Hearing is believing. This is how you sell the best quality in audio.
Why not give Bo the benefit of the doubt if we too can benefit?
Please tell us Bo how to perform the Pro measurements ourselves. I don't believe you'd be hurting your own business by dispensing info to this niche audience.