Given the acclaim here for the LS26. I would ask how many of those proponents for it use it with SS amps, as your intention is to do just that?
I'm sure not ragging here on the mentions, just bringing this up as none have said they pair their 26 with SS + panels.
For myself, the whole deal is a mix with a desired end result. If pure tube sound with speed and resolution are key for you, more so than full remote control functionality, I'd look for a Thor TA 1000 MK II for just over half of that $4K tag, or less, and as some have said, "Never look back". 4 tubes... outboard power supply... and remote vol. outstanding sound, regardless the genre, with SS or tube. Albeit without trying Maggies on the end, I can only speculate there, but it has tons of speed, and harmonic truth.
I found it superior to the Better CJ models, C5, C6, and Cary 05. I've not heard the AR. Functionality is limited. Mark Michelson had one and only traded for a sideways step by going with a VTL 7.5, saying the 7.5 wasn't truly better, just different, and had more remote functionality... source switching, phase, on/off...
Given the 7.5's entry fee and rep, that is saying something.
if truly balanced operation is desired and not psuedo balanced, the BAT vk51SE are super preamps according to the owners I've spoken with privately. it also is fully functioning via remote.
A VAC ren MK II or Jotis preamps could do well for you too. I've seen them in that range before.