Class D question...............

Do you consider class D amps neutral or sweet sounding???
Guido's points are well articulated.

Don't forget, every person has personal listening preferences and cues, but most important IMO (and no humor intended) we all hear differently. Our ears and brain do not respond exactly as the person sitting next to us.

Or not.

Not all Class D amps are created the same just like SET or A/B SS amps or tube amps.

Spectron designs its own IECs and chooses parts that give it a very 'musical' sonic signature all things being equal.

Bel Canton uses modified B&O IECs and their sonic signature is a bit warmer than the Spectron or many SS amps...all things being equal again.

I agree with the other posters on cables and espcially the preamp. I use a Spectron with a tube preamp and it is anything but clinical, dry or bright.
Nick778, what is your preferred PC for the Spectron amp. . . and why? Thanks, Guido
hey guidocorona. yeah, the question is quite broad, but i was wondering if a class d amp had an inherent sound, regardless of design. like how tube designs, to me, are musically warped or colored in a sweet way. i've just heard repeated comments as to the sweet/smooth top end of class d designs.

thanks everyone for your input and time.

merry xmas

Either the future is already here or it's later than it's ever been.

There is at least one class D amp that is extremely neutral. Translation: extremely musical.

Can't speak for any other class d amp.