Class D question...............

Do you consider class D amps neutral or sweet sounding???
Stanwal, you may want to consider reading the mags a little less, while auditioning a little more away from the beten path. . . at least, if you still do not find any class D devices of your liking, you can speak out of personal experience, rather than from trite canonic rote.
Stanwal, I generally agree with you on most issues but you've totally missed the boat on this one.

Stop reading and start listening.

A person with your experience should know better.
I rehabilitate amps; I train people. I am the "Amp Whsiperer"

Class D amps are "high energy". They want a Big Workout. You must run them often and hard. You must maintain control, or they will dominate you. Give them a job and let them do it!

Douglas_schroeder...And what is the character of a SET? (Please keep it clean).
SET's are high strung little things, like Chihuahua. They look so harmless, but they can nip at your ear lobes! Little amps think they are big amps. You put one next to a Class D and it thinks it's the same. It will not back down, even though Class D is so much bigger! In it's mind it is huge!

SET's require less exercise. They are "lap dogs"; let them sit around and look pretty, but let them know who's boss! They are very protective of their owner. You must keep them in line when guests come. The owner must train them by putting them on a leash. Have guests enter the listening room several times. Yank the leash and tell the SET "Shhhh!" It will obey if you are calm and assertive.

I am the Amp Whisperer!
