Class D question...............

Do you consider class D amps neutral or sweet sounding???
Stanwal you can always find an opinion favoring your own personal thoughts in todays world of the internet, the information highway. Mentioning Colloms test on class d amps is out of line for this thread, This is not about a shoot out of class d. Gvickerschtick is asking users of these amps this question.

Do you consider class D amps neutral or sweet sounding???

I dont know if you have noticed but negativity of class D amps by some is an on going fact here on this web site.

You may want to reevaluate class D, your statement above
"my interest waned years ago" says you are not up to date with how fast this fine technology is moving in a positive direction. Positive feedback by professional reviewers out numbers negative concerning class D by a very large margin. Thats a fact do a google your self if you dont believe me.

Another fact the cost is not out of the box on most class d amps compared to there tubed and SS brothers which if i read your post right should interest you. The heat factor is a non issue and you dont need a dolly to move them around. The best thing is they are powerful easy to enjoy amps.
Above I said the performance of even the best of class D amps will vary widely depending on associated components.

In my own system, my sound has run from dark and moody, to extra warm and bold, to spacious and airy, to now, well balanced throughout the frequency range of 20 to 20k, detailed, delicate, powerful, sweet; just where I want my sound to be. Imagine, that variation using the same amps all the time.

That is why I want to know every wire, tweak, and component any negative reviewer has before I believe he is giving a class D amp a fair hearing.
Let us not forget that class D amp in particular, before break in is complete at about 1000 hours in most cases, may sound anything but sweet and musical, leading to premature short shrifting and dismissal of otherwise excellent components by rushed audiophiles and reviewers alike. G.
Oh God! Now you have given me hi school visions of Jesuit Priests, paddles in hand staring down at me while I try to spew out a dead language. I was wholly a morbid affair. Thanks.