How make my Ayre system "warmer"?

Hello and happy christmas!

Please help to make How make my Ayre system "warmer".

My System:
Ayre K-5xe
Ayre V-5xe
Ayon Eagle (speaker with Accuton ceramic chassis)
Linn UniDisk 1.1
Cardas Golden Reference XLR
Shunyata Phoenix speaker cables

It´s a great system. It´s makes so many things very very good but it´s a little bid on the "lean" or "clean" side.

How can I change this to be "warmer" without loosing transparency and tonality and musical enjoyment? Other cables? Would be an K-1x as preamp a real step forward? Or an C-7xe as red book player. I love the Linn because he´s DVD playing is great (picture and sound).


Al suggested:
"Which in turn suggests addressing the harmonic structure of the system's response, not just the frequency response. Meaning, very conceivably, increasing the amount of even-order harmonic distortion. Just what adding a tube-based cd player or other tube component would do, as several of us have suggested"

Many people take Al's route, but adding even-order harmonics smear and obscure any true richness in the recording itself. Some of us strive to clear up the midrange with careful selection of components that don't add glare and edge. Vibration control, IC selection, PC selection and speaker cable are all integral to achieve a stress free, open system that passes along all the openness of the best recordings.

This is true of the very best tube and SS system. Some lesser systems take the "cover up" route. The clarity route IS expensive and harder to achieve than the "cover up" route, unfortunately.

No one has mentioned this, but I found it to make a huge difference when I placed my power amp on it. I had a rack with glass shelves and when I replaced them with 2" hard rock maple platforms, it sounded like I had replaced the preamp and the amp. System became more relaxed, mids opened up and overall a more organic and analog sound to the system. The most bang for the buck I have ever experienced.
os ot time to mention the "e" word, as an "equalizer" ?

i'll duck now.

my friend uses a deqx with some positive benefits.
Tubes don't add distortion until they are driven to distortion. Then they produce even-order harmonics rather than the odd-order harmonics that SS devices produce when over-driven. I personally own a tubed CDP, tubed power amps, and still enjoy very transparent(coloration and distortion-free) music. Some tubes, most generally from Britain (ie:NOS Mullard/Brimar), will provide a much "warmer" or more "sugary"(think, "glazed") coloration. Many obviously like that sound, as these tubes are very popular. Should you decide to add a tubed component to your system: Try some of those, and you'll probably be well pleased.
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