How make my Ayre system "warmer"?

Hello and happy christmas!

Please help to make How make my Ayre system "warmer".

My System:
Ayre K-5xe
Ayre V-5xe
Ayon Eagle (speaker with Accuton ceramic chassis)
Linn UniDisk 1.1
Cardas Golden Reference XLR
Shunyata Phoenix speaker cables

It´s a great system. It´s makes so many things very very good but it´s a little bid on the "lean" or "clean" side.

How can I change this to be "warmer" without loosing transparency and tonality and musical enjoyment? Other cables? Would be an K-1x as preamp a real step forward? Or an C-7xe as red book player. I love the Linn because he´s DVD playing is great (picture and sound).


FWIW, Rodman99999, having owned one of those DK5 since they first came out, I think the Siemans may be particularily synergistic with it, not that they have a universal tone, one size fits all, for all applications. But I could imagine a case could be made for them in the DK5. The bass in the DK5 is a tad less than perfect and can use the tightening up that the Siemans would bring (as did the OEM Sovteks). Put warm tubes in that puppy and the bass gets muddy as all get out. That is my experience anyway. I can as easily accept Tvad's observation that in his applications they sounded clinical.
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Jeez Tom.

I posted a detailed reply at the other forum where you first posed your question. Why not check back there before starting a new round of contradictory answers?
Mr T: You're right about the getter supports on the later CCa's being shiny metal. Also- They had the date code on a plate inside the tube. Mr N: The VK-D5 is also somewhat sensitive to the impedance it sees at it's output. It's bass will roll off slightly more(about -2.5db at 20Hz) at 1kOhm as compared to 100kOhms(-.2db), which will seem somewhat thinner, but- better defined with some speakers. Increase the impedance to, say 200kOhms, and things can get a bit warmer/bloomier. In my system, and with the CCa's, I've been enjoying a great deal of accuracy/realism from the 'ol BAT.
Jeez Charles.

I started both threads at the same time. Thanks for your recommendations in the other forum. I answered you there.

Best regards