Speakers for Dialogue 2

I'm thinking about buying a Dialogue 2. At 38w I'm wary of the output of this amp for my speakers. I have Opera Callas monitors which are 87 db. I suspect that's a liberal rating, because they seem to want a lot of power. Is anyone using their Dialogue 2 with relatively inefficient speakers?
I have had and continue to own a number of Prologue Products. While I have been satisfied/happy with most, I believe the the Dialogue 2 has been grossly over rated. I've upgraded from the PL1 to the DL2 in one system and am using the PL3 as my preamp in my primary system. So, having or currently owning 3 different Prima Luna products, I can tell yo that, knowing what I know now, I would not have "upgraded" to the Dialogue 2. While it's a perfectly acceptable sounding integrated, I view the sound quality only modestly different (and I don't mean better) than the Prologue 1 I previously owned. Moreover, I can tell you that in a word, the remote sucks. Unless I am 3 feet away and directly in line with it, the remote doesn't work. It's a good thing for me a that my cd player has both a power and volume control, as I never use the DL2 remote.

In the end, I know that this wasn't your question, but my recommendation is ad the PL1 or PL2 to your system, not the DL2
Thanks for the info. This assures me I should stick to my resolution not to buy any more audio components without hearing them first.
I have the Prologue 2 and enjoy it with the Reference 3a Di Capo i's . Your Dialogue has more than enough power for most anything in the Reference 3a line as they are fairly efficient (plus 90 db.) and designed for tube amps (flat impedence curve) .

Good luck .