Well I did buy an Emotiva RSP-2 pre-amp. Yes I have in fact replaced the RSP-2 three times, and am awaiting my fourth unit!
The first one had a noisy phono stage, and very sticky volume control when operated by remote.
The second had half the logo come of when I peeled off the protective shipping strip.
The third one had an even worse volume control than the first, which was really immaterial anyway, because the unit went completely nuts with the front panel lights flashing through all the dimmer values when any input was switched on the front panel. The next morning I was greeted to alien gibberish on the front display. The only way to shut it down was using the back panel switch.
I'm now patiently waiting for the fourth unit to come. Lonnie claimed that the third unit was checked out completely before being shipped. I'm sure something just failed when I got it. It can happen.
Now I spoke with Dan the owner, and he promised me the next one will be perfect, as it will be going through a 2 day burn in.
If this unit proves to be bad, guess the Parasound P3 is my next step. I have already checked it out. Seems like a nice unit, but I will loose one input, and I prefer full height components. Well see what happens.
I will admit the RSP-2 did sound a bit better than my IC-150., but for now my 37 year old crown is back in the saddle again.