Parasound vs B&K vs Acurus

I currently have a B&K ref 70 preamp and PSB Silver speakers with an Acurus 200 watt amp. The sound is quite nice.

I'm wondering if there is much advantage to moving into a B&K or Parasound amp, or all the three about the same in terms of sound quality?

Anyone with experience comparing the above amps please post and let us know your thoughts.
Classe will have a smoother sound. Other option is to add some bypass caps to your current amp, to tame down the harshness you are hearing fro mthe filter caps.
Having a Acurus amp for some years, I find it quite good and on more neutral than anything. It lets your music come through as it came in. I also have a small zamp 3 amp from parasound. Connected to my VSA jr4's. they reveal perhaps a little more clarity in the details of some recordings. Just to try something different a would consider a more powerful Parasound amp. I am just as impressed with it as the Acurus. Would check out the Odyssey as Reff suggested if it would be in your price range. Overall, I feel you would get more bang from your buck by changing source gear or speakers. Good hunting, it is half the fun.
I have directly compared Parasound (HCA2205at - which I still have), and the B&K Reference 200 and MCA (I think) versions. I am driving NHT 2.9's which are very current hungry, and the Parasound was a better match. Better bass extension and control, but also a bit boomier, if you are not carefull with your speaker placement. I also agree the B&K had a very neutral sound, but it was just too laid back for my taste. After living with both for over a month, I kept the Parasound.

Hope this helps!