Ayon Triton Integrated or Keep my BAT?

Hello All-

Anyone have experience with the Ayon Triton Integrated Amp?


I'm considering upgrading my BAT VK-300SE and this integrated looks pretty interesting. Not much chatter here on the unit but there were favorable comments coming out of RMAF. My BAT is currently driving Dali MS4s and my souces are a Modwright Transporter and a Basis 2500 Signature TT (Vector3/Shelter 90x/GNSC-EAR 834P). Audience AU24e all around. So what say you A'goners?

Ok, here's my opinion and saying this w/o hearing your Ayon...

It's pretty hard to move away from BAT if you like it. I have tried on a number of occasions. I can get somethings different, somethings better, but you always loose that what you love about the BAT "sound"

I'd consider going to BAT separates...
Hey Jfrech. Definitely like the BAT sounds and I have owned their separates in the past (you may remember my 52SE listing). Just trying to find a one box solution that moves in the direction of the BAT pre/BAT tube amp combo. I'm hoping that the Triton is a move in that direction. Unfortunately, they do not have a dealer in my area and I'm trying to arrange a 30 day home trial. How did your preamp experiment go? You mentioned trying out another brand.
Check with my friend Budburma. I know he bought one a couple of months ago and has raved about it to me. I haven't heard it, but it looks very promising. Send Art (Budburma) a PM if he doesn't see your thread.

Thanks John. I asked him about his experience a few days ago and looking forward to his response.