MA2275 preamp section against other $4000 preamps?

Preamps to compare against (stuff in $2-3000 range):

Dehavilland Ultraverve 2 (curently resides in my system)
VTL 5.5
Joule Electra LA150 MKII
Aethetix Calypso
VAC preamp in this price range (I like their stuff)
Any others?

I am considering purchase of a MA2275 in my effort to "downsize". A seller locally has one fairly cheap. The amp section I have heard and is very nice, but I don't know about the preamp: it is basically a C2200, from what I understand. Assuming I can get some NOS tubes, what can I expect? My other option is to get the MC275 amp and a different pre. Speakers are Tyler Linbrook Sig series. I want a full, yet not overly tubey sound. The MA2275 caught my eye as a particularly good value that I can re-sell in a couple of years, when I get back into separates after I get the upgrade bug again ;-) Last preamp was the Herron VTSP 1a/166 and I loved the neutral, yet full sound, and would like to go that direction, but with a little more transparency in a slightly more current model. Also, something that tube rolling is useful in.
the mc2275 sounds practically identical to the 2200/275 combo, plus you get a phono board thats as good as most separates...downsizing may not be the correct term...simplifying perhaps..its huge!!!
The preamp sectiom of the 2275 is not based on the 2200, it was a unique design which later led to the C220, is how I understand it.

I have a Modwright I am selling for $1675 that you may like. I understand the Joule preamp is similiar in design to the Modwright but more pricey. I read that on a review somewhere.
I think the direction you want to go in may be a downgrade - not sure, but the preamps you list all have different flavors, but probably aren't much better than what you already have. You may want to try a VAC integrated. Hope this helps!
Audio Horizons TP 2.0n line stage or the more recent 2.1n premium version beats them all.