No reviews for Magus pre amp

I can't seem to find any review for a tube pre amp called the Magus MFA. The copy of the manual I looked at with the unit was from 1990, but not sure when the amp was manufactured. It sounded very nice paired with a Yamaha M80 power amp. Guy wants 1200 for the pair. Might be a bit bright for my taste, but had a lot of dimensions/separation.

Any comments about this one?
of the two pieces, the magus is the classic(the yamaha may not be the best match). related to bruce moore and audible illusions. i once had one paired with a belles ss was incredible. should have a pretty articulate phono stage as well....since its not 'bright' per say...very warm actually(cj-like), it may be a room or loudspeaker thing.
I've still got my MFA Magus - I bought it in the mid 90's. It is an excellent pre-amp. I wouldn't put it in the same league (or system) as a Yamaha SS amp.

The only issue with this pre-amp might be the output impedence, which is as I recall, 3500 ohms, which rules out a lot of SS amps for consideration if for no other reason than the potential for impedence mismatch.
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