Upgrade bug has hit, interested in Pass Labs Amps

So as I am feeling the upgrade bug, I have been looking into upgrading my amp. Currently I have Bel Canto Ref1000s and I feel that the class D amps are not giving me the quality of sound that I would like to receive, lacking fullness and realistic qualities. So I have been looking into Pass Labs X250 and X250.5 amps, from what I have read these are very good amps and should be a considerable upgrade from my ref1000s???? Also what is the difference in the X250 and the X250.5? Is it worth the extra 1000-1500 that I have seen them for on here?
Also any other SS amps in this price range give or take a few dollars that are recommended?

I recently purchased a Pass X250 and am very impressed with both sound and build quality. Great bass and smooth highs, I didn't have the coin move up to the X250.5, but this is a hell of an amp!
I don't want to bash Pass Labs, because they are great people, and their service goes over the top, but I would urge you to listen to the amp first. I was accustomed to various McIntosh solid state primarily, and I bought a 250.5 on the strength of owner reviews which were very positive. With 3 very different speakers that I own, the sonic signature was thin and somewhat "solid state" sounding (for want of a better description). It was sent back to Pass and thoroughly gone over- everything was OK. my point is, try before you buy with this one, it may not be your thing. From your description of the sound you like, McIntosh may fit the bill.Good Luck.
I have had a Pass X350 for a couple of years now, having driven Dunlavy SCIVs and now Wilson Maxx IIs and I find the overall sound to be very detailed, musical and well paced. It also will not be confused with a tube amp. It is solid state sounding, not to a fault, and warmer than my old Rowland Model 7s, but still solid state. I bought the amp used, without auditioning, based on a friend's recommendation. I am very happy with it, but auditioning is always the best scenario. Just find somebody very strong to haul it for you! My back was out for a week.