Upgrade bug has hit, interested in Pass Labs Amps

So as I am feeling the upgrade bug, I have been looking into upgrading my amp. Currently I have Bel Canto Ref1000s and I feel that the class D amps are not giving me the quality of sound that I would like to receive, lacking fullness and realistic qualities. So I have been looking into Pass Labs X250 and X250.5 amps, from what I have read these are very good amps and should be a considerable upgrade from my ref1000s???? Also what is the difference in the X250 and the X250.5? Is it worth the extra 1000-1500 that I have seen them for on here?
Also any other SS amps in this price range give or take a few dollars that are recommended?
I am using Analysis Plus Power Oval 10 for the Ref1000s and a Aural Symphonics Cappuccino for the DAC3. I am in the process of running a dedicated circuit for the ref1000s using a hospital grade duplex (all thats in the budget for now.) Maybe that will help with my issues for a while. That will not happen for a few weeks, I have to install a sub panel as I have no room for expansion in my current panel.
Guido, you lost me there. Cardas Golden Reference????? I tried those and they mushed the sound horribly. All cables with heavy dielectrics do the same. It was the Anti-Cable that taught me to try naked ribbons.
Hi Messelt, I am grasping at straws of course, but I suspect that the Oval 2 may be a better choice for the BC amps than the Oval 10. . . I know that Oval 2s are often recommended with other class D amps like the JRDG 201s and 501s. . . I even heard Oval 2 on the big JRDG 312 and it works quite well. If i interpreted the descriptive page on PCs on the Analysis Plus web site correctly, the Oval 2 PC has a braided shielding. I just recently read somewhere on Audiogon that shielded PCs may be appropriate for some switching amps. As far as I know, the Cardas Golden Refs are shielded, and they sure work well on the BC Ref 1000 Mk.2s in my system.
Yet, I also suspect that the Kimber USB cable may be part of your problem set. . . . I heard very good things instead of the Ridge Street Audio USB wire. . . mind you, I am not speaking out of personal experience. G.
My experience - long - with class D amps is that the PCs need full shielding That goes for all the components.

Quite the opposite is true of all the other wires. Speaker cables must be naked as possible. I am using ultra thin copper ribbons thinly clad with Saran Wrap to prevent shorting. My interconnects are Speltz antiwire, and I have yet to hear better.