Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?

I would be very interested in finding out how one manages to justify (or sneak in the home) expensive audio equipment without having to sell your soul to the Devil? It's quite a challenge for many of us I think. I heard of someone buying a Bel Canto DAC and telling his girlfriend that " Oh it's just a $ 100.00 power conditionner", or whatever. Seem like we need to get creative here if we can pursue this crazy hobby much longer! Regards All...
I would have to agree with the "call it a Christmas/birthday/special event"purchase that shouldn't have to happen more than a couple of times a year...tops. -especially if it's a considerable change. I've been caught too many times by my [completely disinterested in my hobby] wife w/ either a new pre, power or whatever, and it's no longer worth the hassle. The secret is you have got to sell the old [or I could never justify another transaction w/ my "perfectly good one"] and you've got to start talking about it in plenty of time before.... about how much you need the new piece. That argument/reasoning is usually the hardest part of the equation...why do I NEED it?"It's one of the most fun parts of the hobby", or something along those lines... its always been a tough time. Also, if a great deal does come up between holidays/birthdays its even tougher.I wish she had some interest, but she just doesn't.
Dan, from what the ladies tell me, its like this: We men like playing and will never grow up. Its only women who will take life seriously: Subjugating husbands, managing the dough, running the family and keeping the premises clean. But then I have no idea, if this is true of course. At any rate, it does not seem quite politically correct, does it? Happy new Year ! (-;
I made quite a bit of progress when I asked my wife what about the purchase at hand bothered her - is it the money, the fact that she doesn't like the UPS guy showing up, the fact that it's taking up my time, etc. I think it helped her see that it's really arbitrary on her part to mind, at least in some ways - she doesn't understand it, so it bugs her. Obviously, any time you want to spend as much as these (admitted) toys cost, money is an issue, but I think the activity of new gear showing up, old gear shipping out is just a reminder of a process she doesn't understand even though she doesn't actively resent the money being spent. -Kirk
My wife caught me studying the TacT web site (I have a birthday coming up), and I started explaining what the RCS digital room correction gadget does. "It goes between the CD transport and the . . .," I began. "Yes," she put in, "it goes between the wife and the husband."
Actually she's very agreeable about this hobby (as long as we have money in the bank), being a music-lover herself and a fine amateur pianist. When I change something in our system, she can tell in an instant if it makes a real improvement . . . or not.
Funny lines, Vaslchaf!

My wife is the same way. She doesn't want to know ANYTHING about the technology behind the stuff. She even told me NOT to even try to explain it, becuase it would ruin it for her.

But she will tell me if it sounds good or not!