The Most Musical Class A/B Power Amplifier??

Although I would rather have a used Mark Levinson, Pass Labs or Krell driving my new Maggies 1.6's I don't think it can happen. At my age I've got to think ahead to if/when one of these heavy monster amps will need repairs. Plus buying used, the likelyhood is that at minimum there will be capacitors that need to be replaced. I don't treasure having to pack up and ship one of these heavy amps for repairs. I don't think my back can take it.

So, my new focus is to find a class A/B 150 to 250 watt (8 ohms/double at 4 ohms) power amp that is musical with depth, produce voices and choral music well, has plenty of detail, is tube like, weighs less than 100LBS and can produce a wide sound field. I would also be interested in info regarding a pre-amp that would work well with the power amp in the most supportive and musical way. I am mostly analog but I do have a great CD player and many CD's. However 90% of the time I will play records and "Tape Project" reel to reel tapes. Thank you so much in advance for all of your great comments. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
i too own a magnepan speaker. i find that solid state amplifiers can get a bit intense and may magnify inbalnces in frequency response on many recordings.

why have you given up on tube amps ?

i also have heard some class a amps which are not boat anchors. no, they are 250 watts class a, more like 50 watts, class a. you might consider them.
I listen exclusively to classical (really into Bach and Schutz choral works!}and have the 1.6QR's. I have recently purchased a pair of Cary 500MB's which really seem to me to be ideal with the Maggies. Very sweet and are extremely good in depth of image. These amps really present solists forward, with the chorus behind and elevated. Amazing! I would rate lateral imaging as average. Class AB, about 50lbs each. 1000 watts/channel into 4 Ohms. I'm not doing vinyl currently, so I can't help you on the preamp.
cj ss amps are very musical especially when combined with one of their tubed pre-amps.
Thank you for providing such great information and advice. I treasure your response. I will certainly begin to take a hard look at each amplifier. Werever possible, I will try to listen to each one for the sound I am looking for. Again, thank you so much for your precious time.
The Belles certainly deserve an audition, but I think you must also add Ayre to your list in that power range.