Amenh Rtn1! Fact is that starting with the ending of the Classical era, throughout the Romantic and post-romantic period, there has been a steady swelling of orchestral forces and dynamic demands on them imposed by applicable scores. Bass range is not the only affected by such demands. . . a listen to various works, starting with later Beethoven symphonies, Brahms symphonies, Berlioz, mahler nearly entire opus, Bruckner, Dvorak symphonies and cello concerto,Stravinsky fauviste works, early Schonberg, Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Varese, Stockhausen, and Ligeti just to name very few, show massive tutti full range treble-to-bass orchestral sostenutos. Not to mention all those fizzy kitchy transcriptions of the Moussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibitions, whose orchestrators should be all suspended by their thumbs for crimes committed against good taste.