Dob - AFAIK none of Icepower modules can drive below 2ohm and none of the H2O product either. They might be able to drive 1 ohm but are specified at 2ohm min. At 2 ohm min strongest Icepower module 1000ASP used in highly regarded Bel Canto REF1000 mkII can drive 2ohm with 40A peak delivering 3200W. In addition supply voltage doesn't drop since it is regulated (SMPS).
In reality, if you think how linear power supply operates - it is SMPS operating at 120Hz that requires huge transformer because of low frequency. Toroidal transformer at 100kHz that carries the same power can be 10x smaller.
SMPS high frequency, is easy to filter while 120Hz is not. For this reason Jeff Rowland uses SMPS in Capri preamp.
In reality, if you think how linear power supply operates - it is SMPS operating at 120Hz that requires huge transformer because of low frequency. Toroidal transformer at 100kHz that carries the same power can be 10x smaller.
SMPS high frequency, is easy to filter while 120Hz is not. For this reason Jeff Rowland uses SMPS in Capri preamp.