ICE Amps for classical music?

I listen to classical orchestral music at heavy volume. I detest reproduced music for always sounding more or less electronic and not acoustic. Real music is beautiful in a way reproduced music--so far at least-- never is. I have become curious about Wyred4sound amps because of low price and high watts. I am wondering if any of you "mostly classical" listeners have heard these amps and feel they do no more damage to music than amps which are NOT ICE amps. I am using a Plinius SA100 now and have used a VAC 100/100,
a Bedini Classic 100/100, a Music Reference RM-9, and other tube and solid state amps. They all had their pluses and minuses, of course, but for least electronic, clearly the Bedini was the winner. So what about ICE amps?
Mapman, you are correct of course, the sound of Ref 500M appears to differ from Reff 1000M to some extent. Yet, I am not sure if the reason is simply the different series of power conversion module, or it's a mix of design, module series characteristics, and power rating. G.

Rx8man, select audio dealers, occasionally prone to the odd personal barb or 2, sometimes may want to dust off the old Dale Carnegie paperback on "Zen, and the art of friends maintenance" or something vaguely to that effect. G.
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If I understand correctly, most ICE modules are stand alone amps that produce no noticeable heat, and are very good performers, are used for mass audio product lines.

B&O ICE are constantly improving their on board switching power supply. The later modules like the ones Bel Canto use are better than before.

The only module they make that allows an add on power supply remains the one in the H2O amps I am using, being the 500A. This is a 250 watt amp. The analog power supply imbues the resultant sound with a relaxed authority that allows the use of solid state preamps, There is no need for tube massaging.
Hello Gents ,


Note the bass was muddy and unextended on the BC vs The threshold , The muddy bass noted to maggies previously disappeared and the bass was vastly improved .

Note : Improved over previous BC500 sound , not perfect ..

The M500's are never turned off , haven't for a year always left on, Per BC instructions. The threshold was allowed 10 minutes , we never waited the difference was apparent immediately during the warm up phase and got better so we just kept going.

Count it, that in this situation, with the combination that was presented, the Threshold delivered. Again, i can see it being some what different on less revealing speakers with the noted exception of the Bass, the BC500 was not even in the same time zone here.
