Give it some time and let us know. I have had good luck with Edison pure copper Music posts. When I did mine I also added Vampire pure copper gold plated RCAs.
When all was said and done, I found there to be a tad more weight with the bass and mid bass being more noticeable.
Don't expect a big difference, but is is all the little ones that add up and if you can do the work yourself, it's even more rewarding.
Give it a little time. Don't worry about the naysayers, just be thankful that you can hear a difference, many can't!
When all was said and done, I found there to be a tad more weight with the bass and mid bass being more noticeable.
Don't expect a big difference, but is is all the little ones that add up and if you can do the work yourself, it's even more rewarding.
Give it a little time. Don't worry about the naysayers, just be thankful that you can hear a difference, many can't!