Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?

My system is feeling pretty tube-y and I was looking for suggestions of a solid state amps that people are liking with their original Quad ESLs. Looking for more speed and more of the bass I know the Quads can put out if set up right.
Given Atmasphere's explanation, maybe this is why some find that the old Quad 303 works reasonably well with Quads. It is solid state, but my understanding is that its power output actually drops as impedance drops. There are a few firms that do updates, like Net Audio or the new one that advertises on EBAY.
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The transistor amps will not give you what you want , in my opinion. I have been a confirmed user of transistors since I built a Heathkit in 1963 and was a Quad dealer for 15 years. Transistors are undoubtedly faster on cone speakers , because of higher dampening factor among other considerations. But these factors do not apply to the Quad, which is already faster than any cone. When I was a dealer I drove my 63s with Krell, Musical Fidelity and Stax class A solid state amps but could not detect a difference in speed or bass between them and good tubes. A friend drives his 57s, which I sold him in 1975, with a rebuilt Heath tube amp , it sounds as good as anything I have ever heard drive them. Foster Blair rebuilds them, they are available through Mapleshade. This is one case where having a transformer in the line helps the sound. After all, they were designed with a lower powered tube amp in mind. If I wasn't happy with the sound of the 57s driven by a good tube I would look at another speaker, they are what they are and the amp will not change them that much.
A friend of mine runs them with parasound and loves the match. He switched from big EAR tubes without sacrificing any quality.