Threshold S300 Power Amp


Who might be using this amplifier in their 2 channel audio system? What do you like about this amp? And please share speaker cables and interconnects that work well with this amp. I have recently purchased this amp used and would also like to learn anything else I might need to know to take great care of this unit. Finally, where would I get a manual? Thank you so much for your responses.
Definitely contact Jon Soderberg. He is a true craftsman and does quick high quality work. I recently sent him my Forte 5 for a recap and it sounds wonderful. He knows his Pass products. or
An amp as old as the Threshold S300 might need new caps and rebiasing. You have a fine amp and the costs to do the above would be well worth it. It would probably cost much more to find a newer amp that could compare to your Threshold. I like many others have found the Alpha-Core Goertz speaker cables to work particularly well with Threshold amps. The Threshold amps will absolutley require the RC networks that Alpha-Core can provide. Of course I don't know the rest of your system or your individual preferences, but Alpha-Core offers a generous free trial period. You'll probably want to consider Alpha-Core's Goertz MI2's. The above mentioned Jon Soderberg, though not cheap, truly knows Threshold gear and does excellent work, highly recommended.