Any comments on the deHavilland UltraVerve preamp?

I am thinking about replacing my Audible Illusions Modulus 3 (not a 3A) with a new deHavilland UltraVerve preamp. Has anyone had any experience with the UltraVerve? The reviews have been great, but I would rather have comments from people who actually own one.


Yeah, I can recommend it whole-heartedly. A great pre! Smooth, easy on the ears, dead quiet, responds well to tube rolling. It isn't overly lush, but quite detailed with a somewhat warm presentation, depending on what tube you are running, and your other components. I had some significantly more expensive preamps in my system that I was auditioning (current retail up to $7000, sell for $3-4k used) and none of them were outclassed by the Dehavilland. Slightly more detailed, deeper soundstage yes, but the differences weren't what you would expect, considering the big price difference.

It will be hard to find a bad word about the Ultraverve. Given what they go for, I doubt you can do better.
Thank you Dawgcatching. I really appreciate your comments. Have you heard the BAT VK 3ix, Audio Research LS17, or the Parasound JC2? If so, how do you think they compare with the UltraVerve?


No, I haven't heard any of those. What I did have in my system over the past 2 months were the ARC LS26, Classe CP-700, Herron VTSP-1a/166, and the Ultraverve. The LS26 is probably the comparison you are interested in: the LS26 was a little less warm in the midrange (with a Tung-Sol black glass in the UV), a bit more clarity, perhaps a tad deeper soundstage. For example, percussion in orchestral music came across clearer with the LS26, and sounded a bit more vibrant and real (also with piano). I thought the low end was similar on each preamp. Overall, I preferred the LS26. The ARC is at least 3x more expensive on the used market and definitely was no where near 3x better. Maybe like 3-4% in my system: the UV2, if the sound is what you are looking for, is well along the curve of diminishing returns. Still, I wouldn't mind owning the LS26!