Any comments on the deHavilland UltraVerve preamp?

I am thinking about replacing my Audible Illusions Modulus 3 (not a 3A) with a new deHavilland UltraVerve preamp. Has anyone had any experience with the UltraVerve? The reviews have been great, but I would rather have comments from people who actually own one.


That's his opinion.

Do a search on his other posts. You'll find his views, ideas, and opinions contrary to the mainstream.

Ignore him.
I owned the UV for several months. It is a great preamp for the money but I thought the presentation was in line with the speakers or slightly in front of the speakers. I like my music a little forward. Also, I was looking for more speed and bass slam. Please don't take this like the UV does not have speed and bass slam, it does have both qualities but not at the level that i had before.
I had the UV for well over a year and just recently sold it in favor of a Sonic Euphoria PLC. The dehavilland is a great tube pre and bested many other preamps in my system. The SE has better bass depth and articulation and is slightly more transparent. In my system it is the better preamp, but if you need gain, the UV is an excellent choice.
