ARC 210's w/BAT VK52SE vs ASR Emitter Exclusive II

was starting to think about the $$ involved in replacing all 30 some tubes on my ARC and BAT equipment. I only have about 300 hrs on the tubes so far... I would like some opinions on how you guys think the ASR Emitter Exclusive II blue version may compare to my current equipment. I would also like cooler running gear due to living in Florida and my audio room facing west... I absolutely love how the system sounds at this time and am also concerned about messing up the balance. I tend toward a tube sound with bloom and 3d imaging. My speakers are the Usher BE20's and front end is a Modwright Transporter.
Thanks in advance

You mentioned the Ref 3 and 110 "that [you] owned." Did you replace them with something else? If so, why? Thanks.
Do the mapleshade heavyhats on your amps make a difference ? Just wondering.
Hi Brian, I didn't really notice a difference. The covers are VERY thin so I just put the weights on. I usually have the covers off so it's easier for the heat to dissipate.

BTW: I heard the ASR last weekend and am VERY happy I didn't trade my 210's for it. Phew, that was a close one ;)