Tube amp recommendation

My current amp is dying and therefore I am in the market for a new amp. I got my current amp back in my university daze (solid state, over 10 years old and cheap). Perhaps I should have upgraded years ago, but it served me well and I was happy enough with it (and spent the money on records instead).

I have always been impressed by the sound that tube amps generate and hence believe that my current amp is giving me the push to go finally into the tube world. I have read various items on this website (and a few others) and have a bit of confusion (and hence some questions).

Now pieces of information about me...
1) I like to listen to large assortment of music (old skool reggae, bad electronic music, the occasional rock record, various jazz items, sometimes even hiphop). Often I listen to stuff in what seems like an random order.
2) I am rather lazy on my days off (when I listen to music most of the time).

With these two points I mean I don't really want to change a set of tubes because my music selection is a sometimes bit schizophrenic. I don't want to manually adjust bias settings every Saturday morning (occasionally fair enough).

Therefore, can anyone recommend any tube amps that are in the entry - mid level for me?
In your price range, for a tube integrated you're probably going to do best with something used from China (Jolida, Prima Luna. Sophia, Cayin, Mysterie, among others). The Jolida 102B you are interested in requires manual biasing (a simple monthly task with a digital volt meter). Most af the Jolidas require a manual bias while other options, like Prima Luna, may have an auto-bias circuit. The 102b only puts out about 20 watts which may be a bit low for 90db at 8ohms depending on the size of room, type of music and typical level you listen at. Generally I'd be looking for 40-60 tube watts if I were you (Jolida 302B or 502B would do). If you'll be looking for new speakers too then you can better tailor the selection of both.
Hi Jax2, my point has to do with equipment matching. An SET driving a 92 db speaker is going to get clipped a lot if you listen to demanding musical passages. On a speaker like that, you would need a lot more power- 60 to 100 watts, in order to get to appropriate levels. There are not a lot of SETs that can do that, and IMO those that do don't sound very good. Lower power SETs really require a speaker 10 db more efficient than the ones you have/had; then you can play hip hop on them all day, but don't expect a lot of bass with a speaker that is that efficient! That's why those speakers we had at T.H.E. Show are such a nice deal, though they are anything but cheap :)

I would love to have a pair of John's speakers, but alas, not only is it not in the card$ at the moment, but I'm also dealing with a smallish listening space in my home. The WAF would negate anything the size of a dishwasher or larger. My wife used to call my LaScalas, "The Dishwashers". I used those at work and they were highly modified, and yes, they certainly could do more with demanding music...but I still prefer my current nearfield setup. It is pretty rare that I can hear it strain. There are only two tracks I can think of, and I know exactly where they will tax the system, and just in the bass. Otherwise I do not hear it clipping at all (unless I'm missing something - I don't think so because Peter's observed the same thing, as has my other Nervosa inflicted friend). That said, I'm sitting 8 feet from my speakers which are only 2.5 feet from the back wall.

IOW if an amplifier is good, its good for any kind of music, perhaps a qualifier is needed- as long as it is being used with a speaker that matches that amplifier (whatever it is) properly. So I am saying that such an amp will play classical as well as any rock. The amp does not care what someone's taste is- its all electronic signals to an amp :)

I think I get what you're saying here. I completely agree about speaker matching with amps. I don't know that what I think you are getting at overall is how I experience two contrasting amps though. Maybe I'm just delusional. As I said, my SET amps (still have'em) can play rock just fine...enjoyable even...I just think it's more enjoyable on some SS amps I've tried, for instance. Whereas something more stark and simple sounds much better on my SET amps (to me). The illusion of space, presence and realism is far more effective to me with the SET option. That illusion is there to a great degree when playing more challenging, more dense music, rock say, but it occurs to me as more congested than when that same dense is played on a good SS amp in the same system and space. By your definition of a 'good amp' both the SET and SS amps I've used in this space need not apply. It may be all electronic signals to an amp, but it's not that at all to any of us who are listening to the music. We put all kinds of meaning into just how those electronic signals are translated into music. I digress........
Hi DennyC - I would highly recommend the PrimaLuna Dialogue 2 integrated. It is auto-biasing, and can take many different kinds of tubes, so you can tube roll to your heart's content if you want without having to worry about biasing. The amp is very good sounding (on the warmer side), and has two modes, an ultralinear one putting out 35W a channel, and a triode mode putting out 21W. You can flip back and forth between them at the touch of a button, which is a very nice feature indeed. It also has a soft-start feature to prolong tube life. I have had one for more than 9 months now and am very happy with it. It is a perfect way to get into tubes, and will be powerful enough to drive most speakers out there. I think they still run a little over 2600 new, but you could probably find a used one here cheaper.
Hi Dennyc,
If you want a a very good tube amp I will suggest RaySonic SP-120 tube integrated amp. RaySonic is a Canada based company and has very good reputation for making truely high end products. The amp outputs 50 very sweet watts yet seems immensly powerful. It uses 4 KT-88 output tubes and heptic output transformer. Looks gorgeous too. I have driven 86 dB (8 ohm) speakers to a great satisfaction. It will drive your 90 dB speakers very efficiently. The sound of this amp is extremely involving.

If interested please email me, I have one for sale. It is almost brand new condition. Thanks,