Best material for inexpensive amp stands

I have a pair of monoblocks in a wall unit right now. I would like to know which material might work better: a heavy piece of butcher block or some heavy granite. I do not want to spend a bunch of money on premade stands.
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TVAD... Agreed

The purpose of the dynamat was to help with any resonances in the mdf.

The brass cones should couple directly to the mdf..

Might have been more helpful if i had actually said all that originally huh?


Now I am really confused. Are we more concerned with draining resonance away from the Amplifiers or should we be more concerned about isolating the amplifiers from floor vibrations from either the bass notes or that train going by?

Seems like with vinyl the concern is about 50/50, but with electronics not so much. The bamboo sounds nice, not a big fan of MDF. Maybe an old desk top from a garage sale cut in pieces would be good. You might sandwich two pieces with three 1/2 pieces of a handball, don't use racquet balls, they are two soft.

Isn't anyone working today?

sounds like a fun project.