Please suggest good balanced Preamp

I woould like to get your experiences with and recomendadtions for balanced preamp with XLR input/output and possiblly balanced design from input to output. Cost around $3500 or less (used or new) would be good. Less is better. My criterias are :
1. Extreme transparency.
2. Extreme low noise. S/N > 100 dB.
3. Phono is not required but I have no objection if it has phono.
4. Minimum one pair of XLR input and one pair of XLR outputs.
5. Remote will be good but I can compromise a remote for the quality of the preamp.
6. Tube (preferable) or SS

I tend to prefer tube preamp over SS, but very good SS pre is not out of question. I am too lazy in tube rolling business and like to stick to the stock tubes that comes with the pre from the manufacturer. I know, I will miss the best capability by not rolling tubes. But I don't want to fill up my house with tubes.

Few recomendadtions I have received are:
ARC Ref 3 (out of my price range)
Ayre K1xe (little over my budget even used)
Pass Labs XP10 (this may be within my budget if used)
McCormack VRE-1 ( model ??, have not seen in used market)
VTL 7.5 (way over my budget even used)
Atma Sphere MP-1 (also costly)
Asthetix Calypso (many complains very noisy, does not fit my criteria).

What can you suggest for an exceptional balanced tube preamp of similar caliber of preamps mentioned above within my budget ?
FWIW, I have had my MP-1 for 5 years and never had to replace a tube. I wouldn't trade/sell it for the world - because, naturally, it just sounds so good.
If your limit is $3500, I would go with the Calypso, which is in my second system and is deathly quiet with Mullard 1960 NOS tubes.