Low cost Amp?

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a used amp for around the $500 range. In the past (pre-divorce) I had a Parasound 2200II and a PS Audio HCA-2. I listen to a wide variety of music but mainly smooth jazz. Like everyone else I am looking for the best sound for the best price.


Yes I own the Mccormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe and I'm not getting rid of mine any time soon. It's an amazing amp for the money. Steve McCormack (SMC Audio) offers multiple upgrades and can take it to near stratospheric levels if you have the money. He's also a great guy who will jump in here every once in a while to offer advice to owners.
hi. mapman is right on, forte is a fantastic amp. also check out nad stuff. good luck, chris
Aragon 8002 is a good buy. Also Rotel is a good bang for a buck. I have five channel RMB-1085, and I'm very satisfied with its performance. You might want to look at the two channel versio RB-1072.
I'd try a Dynaco ST70. Not the last word in power or low frequency extension, though with your loudspeakers, it will be fine, as it couples beautifully to my Fried A/6, which have a similar design - apart from the series crossover. A cheap way to get really true tube sound.