which tube amp to try???

looking for some suggestions here. if you were looking to spend about $1,000 - $1,400 for a tube amp and would like at least 100 wpc, would you go with a cary slm 100 or a rogue m120. amp would be used to power infinity 1b mid/tweed panels. or another amp that would fit the bill,let me know your suggestions. i would like to try tubes,just not spending $3000 now to do it. and something on the more reliable side would also be good. i haven't had tubes yet and would like to have something that is not too problematic for my first go around. thank you for your input
A used Quicksilver would be on my list. If you can find one, a used Music Refence RM9 would be my first choice, but most owners don't let go of them very readily.
If you can stretch that budget just a smidge, there is a terrific Butler Audio TDb-2250 on Audiogon right now for $1600/obo. Read up on these amps, they are marvelous...


I have one of their 5 channel amps (TDB-5150) and I am thoroughly smitten by this amp's performance and sound.
