verdict on class D amps?

I saw a thread about seymour ice amps.... anyone have any experience with these compared to conventional amps? I was planning on picking up a used pair of bryston 7st or a single 14 st however for similar money (& power) the new ice 50001 is available. In car audio there it doesn't seem like class D is very good except for sub duty. Is the same true for home stuff? Presently I have a adcom GFA5500 which was going to get thrown on rear surrounds & I was going to use parasound HCA1500 on my speakers untill I can afford something newer/better for my old infinity kappa 8.1 speakers

Ignore Coffeey and Stanwal.

They are dinosaurs refusing to enter the 21st century.

Neither of them has a clue.
Here is a useful thread on The Absolute Sound's website:
I'm not unbiased, since I'm using an ARC 150.2 (what ARC calls "class T" but the rest of the world would call "class D") with my old Maggies, so in the referenced thread, I find Chris Marten's comments the most useful.
Coffeey and Stanwal suffer of Audiophilia Nostalgica, a very painful form of the more common audiophilia nervosa that we all suffer from.

Rather, go listen to various switching (class D or T) amps and decide for yourself if any of them are for you. . . they can sound as different from one another as birds in a forest. G.
There is and always will be something better :-)
Thats a guarantee.

And it will ultimately come down to the speaker its paired with... However I will say none of the digital designs I have heard over the last 10 years will match any Pure Class A amps done well.. Solid state or Tube, so to me I still gotta deal with some Heat, or low efficiency, or reliability... Thats all people want class D for, to save 3 dollars a month in electric, have no heat off the amp, or simply worried about buring up a tube, and finally because they just have a speaker requiring excessive power and want enough power on tap for cheap dollars.

Nothing wrong with those reasons so if it works for you do it!
I bought an Calss-D amp based on the internet hype (Bel Canto evo 4 mk II), then tried ICEpower based models, but in the end, I returned to hybrid (Lamm M1.2R) and eventually, to tubes (ARC Ref 110). IMO there is no comparison.

But as Try have said - try one in your system.