Wyred 4 Sound Class D Amps ???...........

Some say these are the best class D amps on the market....what do you think?.....
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The only way is to try them. I think each new generation seems to deal with another problem inherent in the design. So I guess for a while it will be all up in the air as to which one is best for which type of set up.

Class D amps are the way forward without a doubt, the question is chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?
I think in 4 or 5 years from now class D amps will be one of the best amps on the market..."better than tube amps"... It just a matter of time!
I auditioned the SeymourAV amps instead of the Wyred amps. The SeymourAV won out because:
1) Looks a heck of a lot better (subjective, since most people seems to like the Wyred look - I hate it).
2) 10 year warranty with SeymourAV

They use the same ICE modules. I'm not convinced that the mods from Wyred produce audible differences, despite what some people claim. Yes I'd have to listen for myself to know for sure, but since I hate the looks, there didn't seem to be any point.

As an aside, I have a CI Audio VDA-1 and another with Modwright mods. Despite all the hype about the difference, I could not hear a single difference between them. That's one of many reasons why I'm skeptical of any hype regarding "mods".

Long story short (too late, I know, lol), I returned the SeymourAV and am now a happy owner of a Spectron Musician III SE Mk2.

The SeymourAV amps are excellent amps for the money. There was just a subtle veil at the high end that bothered me. Most people probably wouldn't notice it, and several people have told me it's a common problem with the ICE modules. I didn't notice it with the Spectron, which is why I'm keeping it.

If I was looking for amps for HT, I'd go with SeymourAV. The high freq veil really doesn't matter for HT (you'd never notice it). In fact, I'm waiting for their multi-channel amp to finish out my HT system.
I have been using the Wyred4sound amps for about 9 months now and am very pleased. Previously I had Aragon SS amps and also an ARC tube amp driving B&W 802D's. I now have them bi-amped with a 250W amp with high pass filter driving the highs and a 500W amp driving the bass. They are clean and very neutral and allow the personality of the ARC LS26 and analog section to come through.

I spent some phone time with Rick Cullen at Wyred4sound before the purchase determining what I needed and then he built the best combination for my system. He also explained his mods to the standard ICE modules and the improvement gained. His knowledge closed the deal for me. Cullen Circuits build the amps and they have also been the contract manufacturers for several other name brand audio companies such as PS Audio for the last 20 years.

I'm sure there are other good Class D amps out there as well and I sure can't fault the technology. After 40+ years of 2 channel systems, it's my amp of choice.