Amp for passive pre--more power or higher end?

Hello, I am looking for a power amp for about $500 to go with a passive pre.

My current system:

Passive volume control (Luminous Axiom) going into power section of NAD C320BEE integrated amp (50 wpc)
Ed Frias kit monitors (6.5 inch woofers)
Hsu subwoofer

I like the sound of the NAD. I am hoping to get better detail resolution, bigger sound, better ability to handle dense music (doesn't seem to cut it with orchestra music)

Am leaning toward a new NAD C272. But am also interested in higher end, lower power power amps, like a Bryston 60 wpc (used)

Any suggestions appreciated—-what could I expect from different approaches?

One thing, I am bi-amping with the subwoofer (NAD does not receive bass below 80hz) so I assume I am getting some benefit of extra power now.
I'm not familiar with your speakers. For a bit more money, you might find a McCormack ss amp or a VTL tube amp that will work well with a passive pre.
NAD has some good specs (20K impedance/1.3V sensitivity/29dB gain) for passives. Not as good as Plinius, which would be out of your price range, but better than many.

Do you have any idea of the output voltage and impedance of the Lite DAC? Any specs on the Axiom?
It is beneficial to get an amp with a higher than normal sensitivity. My Meridian 605s only need .5 volt for full output and work very well with passive.
Thanks for your posts

I was not able to get output voltage for the DAC. Based on what I knew, Tim Stinson at Luminous sent me an Axiom with a value of 2.5K (the resistor?). That has worked out great--I got a big improvement in clarity using the Axiom instead of the NAD's preamp. Tim (who was great to work with) said the Axiom I have should probably also work fine with a c272, although it is not the same as c320BEE.