Rowland Continuum 500, RCA vs. XLR

I recently got a Continuum 500 and using it with an RCA I/C to my Accuphase DP500 CDP. I understand this CDP is a fully balanced design, as well as the C500. I am trying to decide whether it is worth changing my I/C to XLR, or just leave it. I use a 1.0M RSA Poiema for my I/C and changing this to XLR is not cheap, so would appreciate thoughts from C500 owners who have compared it on RCA and XLR mode.
Simon - I understand advantage but you have to pay for it. I'm more experienced on electronics side of things than audio.
Let's get back to a practical discussion of does it make a difference. I moved from unbalanced to balanced ICs with my C-500 (congrats on you purchase, BTW). My run is only 1-meter, but the CD/SACD player and Rowland are only an inch apart from one another in a relatively congested cabinet. I figured with all the potential for RFI and EFI with speaker cables crossing and ICs running every which way, why take a change? I use Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval.

Could I hear a difference? No. I suspect that the C-500's operation in DC mode has much to do with that. My initial impression, with unbalanced ICs, was of absolute background silence. That silence got no more absolute when I went to balanced ICs. If you change brands of ICs you'll hear it with the Rowland. If RFI is relatively low in your area and around you audio equipment, then you're not as likely to benefit.

Thanks Dcstep, that's helpful. The response I got from JR suggested that XLR will always be quieter, though this did not seem to be a factor in your case. My I/C length is also only 1M.

I guess I should do this upgrade only if I really wish to upgrade the I/C in absolute terms, rather than for the reason of moving from RCA to XLR. One question though.. was your source fully balanced. In my case I think the Accuphase DP500 CDP is stated to be fully balanced, at least on the brochure. Maybe this would account for some difference.
My Playback Designs MPS-5 is "stated to be" fully balanced also. Analysis Plus ICs are about the same in balanced or unbalanced configuration, so it was really just a matter of getting the balanced ICs.

Thanks. Btw this was JR's response on my question regards difference in C500 between RCA and XLR..

"When RCA inputs are chosen, the negative polarity of the signal is connected to the input ground, in our components. Unlike many audio products,there is no addition or subtraction of circuitry in the Continuum regardless of which input is used. Therefore, single-ended signal transmission cannot be as good as balanced because the signal reference is ground, and ground will always be noisy and different throughout an audio system.

If you want to know more, you can read some of the info on our website. The above explanation is simplified, of course."