Power Amps with High Current or High Damping

A fellow Audiogoner and I have the same monitors. He's run into the same problem that I did when trying to fill a 14' x 35' room.

I found out, completely by accident, that when I replaced my Herron preamp and monoblocks (150 wpc) with a Karan integrated (170 wpc), the Karan solved the problem.

Though the wattage was similiar, the high current and/or damping factor of the Karan took a hold of the speakers and made them play whatever it was sending. The monitors are completely up to the task and never broke up.

Jim is trying to keep his cost for an amp that will control his monitors like this to around $3,000.00, give or take. He asked me about a McCormack DNA 225, but I don't know anything about McCormack amps.

I would like everyone's thoughts about the McCormack DNA 225 and suggestions for other amps that would fit the bill.

Dev, hey David, concerning the Karan versus the Burmester. The Karan KA I-180 is a hair darker than the Burmester 036.

That said though, Gary, the importer told me that the I-180 and S-180 sound a bit darker than any of the bigger power amps. I don't want to sound like I'm taking anything away from Karan, so I'd try to audition one in your system before taking my word for it. I haven't heard any of the Karans other than my KA I-180, but it was the best I'd ever had until I heard the Burmester.

I have heard the Burmester 036 and the 956 Mk 2, they have the same sound, just different power. I just happen to be one who's captivated by the Burmester sound. I'd definitely talk to Tonypdb1 since he's selling his 911 Mk 3's and running them with the MBL speakers.

Try Belles, 350A ref, 250 watts, and 2000 dampening factor, a real beast, very detail, great midrange and very powerful bass, one of the best amps all around:
Thanks Juancgenao. While I've never heard anything about the McCormack amp at all. I've never actually heard the Belles amp, but I've heard very good things about it.

So, as far as the damping factor:

McCormack amps - I can't find the damping factor

Belles 350A ref - 2,000 df

Karan KA I-180 - 1,200 df
Karan (bigger ones) - 6,000 df
Karan (biggest ones) - 10,000 df

Burmester 036 - 1,800 df
Burmester 956 Mk 2 - 2,000 df
Burmester 911 Mk 3 - 3,000 df

Krell_man, thanks for the info. I have already been in contact with Gary, great guy and I look forward to hearing the Karan gear in my set-up. Not knowing anything about the gear it's self it's always nice to get feedback from others like your self, it be good or bad. I didn't contact Tonypdp1 out of courtesy due to the fact that some don't like being contacted asking question specially when they are trying sell their gear off and it is apparent that he has now been trying for some time to do so including his MBL's. I would want to hear the Burmester in my system prior to purchasing along with purchasing them in away that I would have a warranty due to the fact of the cost factor, 2 amps big $$$ layout. Do you know Tony.

I have not actually seen the Burmester product in person but the pics I have seen the product sure looks like eye candy which is always a bonus.

I see you got rid of your AA gear and went with Wadia, was there a reason why you didn't move up the AA line. My current AA is the Hybrid Tube Dac which is a great pce paired up with the latest Oracle 2000 trans. via Stealth AES digital connection.

No, I don't know Tony. I just saw his ad.

I left the Accustic Arts digital for three reasons.

1. The man who upgraded my speakers and his partner suggested that I switch to the new Wadia 581 se, and then run it straight into a power amp. I have great respect for both of them, so I did it blindly. It's one of the best pieces of advice I've ever gotten.

2. Brian Ackerman told me that the jump from the DAC 1 Mk 3 to the Mk 4 was a really good jump, but the Mk 4 jump to the Tube DAC wasn't worth the extra $4,000.00 unless money was of no concern to me.

3. One AA transport, one AA DAC, one Stealth Varidig Sextet balanced digital cable and two Dream State power cords, that's $20,000.00. The Wadia 581 se and one Silent Source power cord, that's $10,500.00. And to me, the Wadia blows the AA pieces that I had, as good as the whole setup was, completely out of the water. You have to hear it to understand how much better the Wadia 581 se is, plus it can be upgraded to the 781 se (when the se model is released).

I didn't sell the Karan integrated because I wasn't happy with it, I just needed a really, really fast and good power amp to mate with the Wadia. I bought the Burmester for less than the Karan that's here on Audiogon. Either one would have been fine with me.
