0 feedback sellers

I don't feel confident buying from 0 feedback sellers, but I see some people buy from them. What procedures do you use to make this transaction successful?
always offer that your uncle who so happens to live in town with the seller can stop by to pick it up and your uncle will take care of shipping. if the seller is for real, they'll give an address and ask when your uncle will be over. schedule a date and keep it, and phone them late in the game to confess.

if they're phonies, they'll "get back to you" on pickup time.

never fails.

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Nothing personal Ryhno, but I would not allow your 'uncle' to come to my house. I do not just allow strangers into my home. I always feel a person out on the phone first if I have not met them. I have never had a problem (knock wood) dealing with audiophiles. I can tell in a phone converstaion whether the person knows stores, equipment, sonic characteristics, etc, whether the are a 'normal' audionut or a person who just wants entrance into my home because I have expensive stuff in there. I also have a wife and children to protect.

If I do not know the person, I will ask for his personal info (phone home and work/address/etc) and check it out first. I also have been known to check driver's license's at the front door. I don't think I'm paranoid, but I am careful about local sales. I will not put my family at risk to sell some audio equipment.

Unsound, I'm no fan of Paypal either, but I do find that being able to use a credit card has 'saved' me on at least one occasion. Paypal was of no help, but the CC bank was of plenty of help and saved the day. Paypal does offer me an opportunity to use a CC to make a private purchase. If not buying local, I would not buy a large ticket item from a seller with 0 feedback without using a Credit Card, period. I'll only pay cash if I can see/hear the unit in person, have high trust in the seller, or it is a smaller item such as cables or tweaks.

But hey, that's just me, and my kids do say that I'm crazy, so take it for what it's worth.

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