Do Plinius amps have high frequency anomalies?

I have Shahinian Hawk speakers. I have tried driving them with two different models of Plinius amp and they both had an effect on violins and trumpets and sometimes voices which I would describe as "electronic." I perceive the area of principal coloration to be in the sibilance range and it seems to add a slightly whistle-like character to the sound, especially at high levels. On some (maybe rolled-off) recordings, this emphasis can be attractive, enlivening the string and brass sheen that occur naturally; but on most cd's and lp's, the effect is not to my taste. The two models I tried were the P-8 and the SA 100MkIII. The latter was the smoother and more realistic sounding but they both exhibited this coloration I am describing.
I am just wondering if any of you have experienced this with Plinius amps or if any of you who have heard Plinius amps would like to offer commentary on their high frequency performance.
What you are describing could be caused by high capacitance speaker cables, which causes some solid state amps go into oscillation. What speaker cables were you using?
I made up some temporary speaker cables out of 10/4 SOW (had some lying around) when I moved because I needed more length. Did have a sibilence issue and I do have dual bridged SA100's. Ordered some teflon insulated speaker cables from Carl at Ultimate Cables and that fixed the problem. To tell the truth, I thought it was a room issue and was quite surprised.
I never experienced such a thing when I owned the SA100MKIII. Slightly rolled off yes but no sibilance. It was the sweetest SS I ever heard.
Some years ago I had a Plinius SA250 Mk IV together with its Preamp and found the midrange presentation recessed to an extent that the bass sounded impressive, but the highs sounded brittle and sibilant as you describe. After 3 months I could no longer live with this and happily went back to my Perraux PM 1850.